December 19, 2007

December 8, 2007


This young woman seems to be oblivious to the
effect she's having on her fellow sketches.

November 27, 2007


The management takes no responsibility for whatever Freudian notions this fish puts in your perverted little noggins.

November 26, 2007

Sketchy Girls

A lovely layout of luscious ladies.

November 23, 2007

Alien Girl

She ain't from around these parts.

November 19, 2007

Tiki Commission Sketches

In 2005 , I was commissioned to draw a sexy
tiki image for art collector David Morris. He
was sent the three thumbnails on the right to
choose from.

The final piece is here.

November 18, 2007

Dragon Tattoo

Five Nude Girls

welcome to my new blog showcasing work that is too naughty for my SKETCHVILLE! blog.

First up: Five lovely ladies from my sketchybook.